Here is the memory of the day we had conducting our hydro power practicals which turn out more like a photography than the real practical. hehe. we were trying out the most unique and the new pose for the pictures to be taken by our friend. May be we had that fun because its the last day for us to enter into the heavy lab or may be the added loadshedding gave us the golden change. lol. No any thanks to the loadshedding because it forced us to finish the four week practical in a single day. but no one would deny it wasnt a fun. so here we are busy to take pictures rather than getting busy in reading the experiment datas. hahaha
"Sorry Rahika your picture is the first one to start with though it was the last oneI uploaded. I didn't know also follows 'the last in first out' system. If anyone wondering what she is doing I bet I don't know lol because I didn't pay attention to that practical. As far as i know it is the most time consuming practical of three and named "reciprocating pump". Guys my apologies if I am mistaken. Good going Prajapati....... hehehe
Here comes my best friend Rabin Maharjan, a very good friend and the most helping friend you can even get in this whole world. Do you realy believe me??? hahahahahahha. Hey man you can't make me jealous anymore! sorry for others who don't understand what I am saying. its kinda secret between Rabin me!
I kind of try to focus the one and only guy in whole pulchowk campus who has a lot of girlfriends in though he never proposed.hehe Tell you what he falls in love with every beautiful girl the very first time he sees her but the tragedy is its only upto him! can anyone spot the guy??
I don't think I have to tell anything about this guy! trying to take the attendence? definately not just checking out if I was marked absent in the previous practical class!
This is Rohan in his new Jacket. just because you bought your Jacket at the lower price than Pankaj doesn't mean that the shopkeeper didn't cheat on you. hahaha
WOW! that was a cute smile Rohit. and I must say your mobile has a damn good camera. coz of you this could happen.
This is little bid dark because of the anti light. but i must say the pose is great.
I can hardly figure it out what i was doing this time.
Hey you remind of my uncle who took the picture in the same pose when he visited hongkong!
Some one is looking cute. I must say this or she will kill me hahaha. She is a tom boy of my Project and that's why I never felt there is a girl in our team. we four boys right Sabina?? ;)
Rohit knows how to give a different pose in every picture. The guy who loves travelling.
If you all are wondering what's the pipe at the side of my picture well its a draft tube of a Francis trubine.
Hey that's a copyrighted pose Rohan. and everyone looking great at the side of this turbine.
If anyone of you thinking the left V-symboled hand on the top of Sabina's head is mine then you all are wrong. I think its Ravi whoelse could be more mishchievous!
Do you think I am trying to teach Sabina about the Pelton wheel turbine? If so then you are all wrong. we are just in the pose to take the picture hhehe
Improperly taken picture. Rohit is going to be a bad photographer! hehe
Here is one more unique pose by Mr Rohit Thapa.
At last ofcourse it's the picuture of Jet of water hitting the weels of pelton turbine forcing it to turn and produce electricity.