4:20:00 PM


created by Ram |

11:19:00 AM


created by Ram |

14th of jan 2009:
yes its the 1st of Magh of Nepali calender and ofcourse the time to celebrate the very great festival of massage (hehe) Maghesankrati!! here is the festival fun and the facial that me and my cousins had that very day. it was realy fun that day coz i had facial. wanna be handsome lol!!!

here come Rupesh's turn to have his facial done!! Sapna not bad with head massage hmmmhmm.
I am thinking who is taller than who is cute!!! hahahaha. sorry Bina you are really shorter! hahaha
Someone is looking really cute. I bet you are going to have lots of love proposals after you are published in my page. hehehe. hey I am not saying my page is famous but ofcourse you are cute!! ;)
Follow the following facial steps if u wanna be great skin!! lol

still a lot of pictures to come but the network isnot allowing me to.who took the following pic??? My cousin fooled me asking me to edit her GPRS so that she can chat through her celllphone. she said it was not working. of course it's not working. how could it when her sim has oradi expired!!!!

Now here comes the hair dressing!!!!! the tradition or the modern??? no idea!! need to ask my cousins!!
By the way its good! I am not talking about the hair but the hair style hehehehe