11:39:00 AM


created by Ram |


Yes I can see him, through my acute vision and accurate senses. I canfeel him and dive through his veins. There sits on a chair besides hisstudy table, a chap, and a book on his hand, lost not in the book butin his memories; memories of the events that is running through his life.Hi is not disturbed by his brother, aware but careless, who has beenplaying with the media player testing the sound system- the bass,treble and sometimes rock-live-hall etc since he woke up. ‘Who says ajobless person has nothing to do ‘, the boy thinks. The scream of his naughtyand stubborn nephew let the heavy music from his brother’s room down;distracting him from his memories. Oh! What is this? His uncles, in thefaces of vampire, all around him are chanting the words which hecouldn’t understand. They are forcing him to do something which he reallydoesn’t want to do.For a while the boy sits still and then shakes hi shake twice, asign of doing something which he should not be. He reads the paragraph(with a word ‘concentration’ in mind) and at the end realizes hehad read the same for two times, but can’t make head or tail of it. Everyword is blinking but vague like fast mobbing scenes. He remembers hisfriends. I can read his mind addressing them kind and generous. Yeah,I can tell you, he is going through every faces of his friends-Mohan,Kritam, Puskar, Ram, Rohan, and Narayan. Oh! He sees them once more andthe time they had together. ‘What a wonderful friends and the goldenmoment’ the words came out of his voice box and my mind detects-‘the friendswho will never make you feel disappointed’. Gosh, what are these? Leechesall around his body waiting for his permission to suck; as if they knewhe’d give them. The boy desperately turns up the page, with the hope tounderstand latter before getting into former.The chap looks startled a sense of grief in his face, alone in roomall topsy-turvy. He has been unable to do what he wanted. It is almostan hour he has been trying to understand something but couldn’t make itthrough.
Now the boy closes his eyes; he used to do this when he needs peace,but this time he is not going to get this so easily. He has been trapped insuch a situation whose solution is a kind of impossible thing. He findsno alternative than staying calm. ‘But would it work out?’ doubtshe’. Why can’t you do your work later till I finish mine?’ some knownface asks him to give his work a low importance. The boy sees, from hisside, there is no way he’s going to give works a low importance. He oncemore sees (actually he tries to do so) from this person’s side andevaluates his own work but finds in no way his work gets lesser importance. One ofthe works should be started first and both can’t go together, these headsare in no way going to give their works less importance. The situationworsens and everyone fears of rising disputes but the boy pulls his leg back.He speaks no words like a dead the only difference is dead don’t stand.He stands still, calm, listens the clarification of the known face why hiswork is of higher importance. The sound goes weird and echoes for sometimesand disappears.The boy opens his eyes- still in the same page. He thinks the gradeshe is going to get if the situation continues. He is in the race butbeing unable to walk. To the best of his vision he can’t see his colleaguesbut hears their voice fading away in a distance. He tries to run butcrippled by the chains. He remembers each moment he has fallen for somebody. Hehad to give his work a lesser importance and work for others without hisown will.He recalls once his cousin asked him to visit clinic and he went, butthe next day he asked her to go to the shop and she refused. Why thisrefusal so hard to give and take, for him? He can’t understand. He questionsfor long but gets no answer except the reverberation. His whole room is quietbut the wind chimes. His every effort of getting appreciated fails. And this isthe first thing which a person needs-‘getting appreciated’. Yes I readit in a book. A person who has never been appreciated will loose his enthusiasmto live. He suspects his existence and will never try to live the fullest.That is why a child who has been appreciated for good work develops his mindfaster than the one who has been punished for the bad work. By the timeI was recalling the things what the great book writes, the boys getsheavy hearted. He becomes frail. His relatives are dancing over his head andthe parents intoxicated. He tries to talk to them but they turn their face.He is speaking but searches for someone to hear him and he is alone. Helooks around, run for somebody before his mind inhabited by fools, lonelinessand insanity. The struggle continues and he is out of breathing. The timehas come to realize the truth; he is of no use, a burden for the family, anunimportant chap whose existence doesn’t make any difference foranybody. There is no one who cares for him. I was waiting for his tears to rolldown his cheeks when he suddenly pulled down his pillow and turned off thelight. Everywhere darkness and I could no more see the chap.At 7:30 in the morning my mom woke me up and told my coffee isgetting cold. Leaving the bed, I searched my toothbrush that’s when Ipassed the mirror. I returned back in front of the mirror to find thesame chap standing opposite to me with his green toothbrush very muchsimilar to mine.

11:39:00 AM


created by Ram |

i was,
a self-content man
a dump of pessimistic feelings
and my life was
a boat in the middle of stormy sea
a cactus plant wit thorns all around.
though i was
on my way with enthusiasm lost
all apart from the world
with gloomy face.
i know
love explains ecstasy not agony
and to love is
to find pleasure
in the hapiness of person loved
but i admit to me
love was an open book with difficult comprehensions
and also it was
a laughter to hide tears,
a dream never to be fulfilled.
all these feeling were
till i grew my interest on a star,
twinkling and bright
embellishing my life with roses.
yes that only star taught me the actual defination to love
and here i stand,
accept to dream about someone
now my life springs up with joy enthusiasm
and love in the air
as though
a man finds an oasis in the desert under the scorching sun
every night
i with a dream to that star go to bed
and every morning
awake with a smile
and wish to get that star
and now i must confess that star is you
who provides me the strength to move and brightness that shines